
Showing posts from 2002 you and yours

Happy Holidays! Yes, I'm still alive...I sorta forgot about this whole web log thing, and as you can see, I haven't updated it in months. Oh well - it's not like there was any earth shattering news to reveal. But I'm still kicking, trust me. I'm still not in the permanent employment business, but I've been getting along by doing substitute teaching. Other than not working on a regular basis, I rather like subbing - I get to work with kids, occasionally I get to actually teach something, and I never have to stay after school to correct papers or plan lessons. That has to be the best part, even though it is something I would gladly do if I taught full time. It (and lots of other things) just comes with the job, but for now I'm relieved of those responsibilities. So how goes the search for a "real" job? That seems to be what everybody always asks me about, so I'll tell you. I've been as unsuccessful as I have been patient, which I

Flying Under Radar

With the combination of my lack of quality of internet access and my general desire to not draw much attention to myself, I've managed to stay pretty quiet since the semester ended. I really don't mind - it's given me time to apply for jobs, do some reading, spend some time with family, and relax. Two news stories this week, however, have caught my interest... Title IX : This week marks the 30th anniversary of Title IX, the landmark legislation that said that any institution receiving federal funds cannot discriminate on the basis of gender. While college athletics may not have been the intended target of the new law, athletics is certainly where Title IX's impact has been most public. With the help of Title IX, opportunities for women to participate in collegiate sports has grown immensely. While that is undoubtebly good, many schools try to comply with Title IX through what is known as proportionality - a standard that says the percentages of a school's m

Final(s) Week

After keeping myself busy the past couple of weeks working on end-of-semester projects, presentations, and other miscellaneous tasks, I am now facing my last week of school. Not just the last week of this semester, but the last week for the foreseeable future. This is the conclusion of my 21st year of school, and for the first time I know I won't be going back in the fall. It's a pretty strange feeling, but I'm excited about the other possibilities I have available to me. I'm not totally walking away from academia - I still have my master's thesis to finish and I have a feeling I'll be going for a Ph.D. someday - but for now it looks like I'm at the end of the road. Fortunately, when you go to school for 21 years, that road ends where a lot of other roads begin. Which will I choose? Stay tuned...

Bob Washut and Jazz Band One

George Clinton and P-Funk wasn't the only concert I attended last weekend. Friday night I went to see Jazz Band One, widely regarded as one of the top college jazz bands in the country. I've been going to their concerts since I came to school here, and this might have been my final one. I didn't realize it until I got there, but what was billed as a "normal" Jazz Band One concert was turned into an event called "Celebrate Washut", named for the bands director, Bob Washut. Washut came here in 1980 and by 1982 Jazz Band One had been named the top college jazz band in the nation. He is recognized as a top educator, clinician, composer, arranger...everything you would want in a person in your music program. But after 22 years he's decided to step down as director of Jazz Band One. He'll continue at the university, working with students, writing and arranging music, and directing Jazz Band Two, but now the torch has been passed to a new directo

George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic

Put a glide in your stride, a dip in your hip, and come and join me on the mothership... I went to the George Clinton and P-Funk concert last night and was very impressed. George might be getting a little old, but he still puts on a great show and gives you your money's worth. The concert started about a half-hour after the posted time, but we ended up getting funked for over 3 hours, and I got the feeling that they went longer than they were supposed to (the lights went on and the microphones got shut off, but they performed for at least 15 minutes after that, just having a good time and shouting lyrics at the crowd). I know a thing or two about P-Funk and what their shows were like in their heyday, and I was glad to see they're still doing some of the same things - guys wearing crazy costumes (or almost no costumes at all), songs that don't seem to ever really stop (I think music stopped about 5-6 times during 3+ hours), and people coming on and off stage at almost

Robert Fisk

Yes, another speaker! Robert Fisk is Britain's most decorated foreign correspondent, having reported from the Middle East for 25 years. His speech was titled "911 - Ask who did it but for heaven's sake don't ask why." Fisk lives in Beirut and has interviewed Osama bin Laden 3 times. At first, Fisk's speech struck me as anti-American, but I quickly saw his point - the journalism that we're used to hearing is far from unbiased. The events of the Middle East are often heavily skewed in Israel's favor and many people are led to believe that injustices are only committed by one side, which simply isn't true. For an example of Fisk's view of the world, check out this interview of Fisk conducted shortly after September 11th. The title of his speech was very appropriate, and it made me realize that the world is an easier place if you don't ask yourself why people commit such horrible acts. But they have their reasons, and we should all ope

Sir Ernest Shackleton

No, the university isn't bringing in Sir Ernest Shackleton to give any speeches (see previous two entries). Shackleton is best known for what I consider to be the greatest survival epic of all time . On December 5th, 1914, Shackleton and his crew of 28 men left South Georgia Island and headed for Antarctica. They would not set foot in civilization for another 497 days. Forced to sit out an Antarctic winter while stuck in the sea ice, Shackleton and his men eventually abandoned ship and pushed their lifeboats across the ice and into the water and headed for the nearest land. From Elephant Island, Shackleton and 5 of his best men took one of the boats and headed across nearly 800 miles of stormy ocean for South Georgia Island. The trip took 17 days and was followed by a grueling 36-hour march across the island to the whaling station. From there it was another three months before a ship could be secured and the weather was suitable to return to Elephant Island for the remainder

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

My university brought in yet another fine speaker last night - General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. This one was a much bigger occasion than Greg Gumble on Thursday night, complete with valet parking, non-free tickets, and about 50 or so protesters. Protesters at this university are somewhat amusing - when it comes to campus activism, we aren't exactly Berkley, Iowa City, or Madison. The focus of the protest were the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have died since the Gulf War, assumably because of the sanctions the rest of the world places on that county. I believe our sanctions are the result of a distrust of Saddam Hussein, a man we essentially chose to leave in power. If you're going to protest Schwarzkopf, I really don't think this is the right topic. I read his autobiography twice and I know how he felt about not "finishing" our military action in the Gulf War. The decision to leave Saddam in power was clearly made higher up. Oh well, I suppose some p

Greg Gumble

Tonight I went to listen to Greg Gumble, the CBS sportscaster, give a speech about "The Spirit of Competition". He was pretty good - he balanced funny and serious stories and showed some video clips, but where he really shined was in the question and answer period. Here was my big chance to ask a question first posed by Bill Simmons, ESPN's Sports Guy in his article " Diary of a March madman : "4 p.m. New topic: Why doesn't Clark Kellogg ever look at the camera? We can't figure it out. It's like he just saw the Blair Witch. Clark, Camera Two. Camera Two!" Since Clark Kellogg is Greg Gumble's broadcast partner, this was my big chance to get to the bottom of this. I sent the results of my inquiry to the Sports Guy: "In your "Diary of a March madman" you asked (at 4 pm) why Clark Kellogg never looks at the camera. Greg Gumble spoke tonight at my university, and during the Q&A time I decided to risk embarrassmen

Think before you shoot

Here's an interesting story from the Denver Post . Apparently a couple of young males thought it would be fun to go out into the street and shoot their paintball guns at people passing by. Unfortunately, one of the people they shot at was a kid (probably 15 or 16 years old) who was carrying a real handgun. He fired back, hit one of the paintballers in the head, and now their little prank has put somebody into intensive care. Just sad. You can easily find enough blame to spread it around to everybody. I'm left to wonder where the kid with the handgun developed that kind of aim...maybe he just got lucky...or unlucky...

A great day? Almost...

There are so many good things about today that could be so much better. First, it snowed this morning, but I know it will melt away within a few days. Second, it was Opening Day for the Cubs, but they lost in the bottom of the 9th. Third, the NCAA basketball tournament championship game is tonight, but Kansas didn't make it so I'm left to grab a seat on the Indiana bandwagon. I think the ramifications of April Fool's Day extends a little farther than we all might think...


Happy Easter! I've always thought Easter was somewhat of a strange holiday. For starters, I didn't know the religious background behind the holiday until rather late in my upbringing and even now I find it humorous when people so casually say "Oh yeah, Easter is when Jesus rose from the dead." Just like that, like it happens every day. No different than when people say "The garbage men pick up our trash on Tuesday." The other major thing I realized this year is that Easter is one of the four major "candy holidays" along with Halloween (which is probably the biggest), Christmas, and Valentine's Day. Notice that all those holidays are pretty close together and there's a relatively long span between Easter and Halloween. I guess some candy makers are starting to make special treats for the 4th of July, and I suppose I don't blame them. Candy makers have to have something special to look forward to and Wal-Mart has to have something

Cael Sanderson

The most dominant collegiate athlete of all time? I've followed him, watched him, studied him...I don't think there's any doubt. I realize that most people don't follow college wrestling, but Cael Sanderson of Iowa State University grabbed the spotlight as he finished his college wrestling career with 159 wins, zero losses, four national titles, and four NCAA Championships Outstanding Wrestler awards. The Des Moines Register has a nice summary of Cael's career. What amazed me most about Sanderson was how much he improved each year, especially from his junior year to his senior year. I think about it and I'm still thinking that I've imagined the whole thing, but just when I didn't think a guy could get any better, he proves me wrong. Is the guy unbeatable? In wrestling, nobody is unbeatable - even the great Dan Gable and Alexander Karelin had their long unbeaten streaks ended. I'm guessing that to beat Cael Sanderson you'll have to be

Back to school and other random thoughts

Yes, I got back across Nebraska last Thursday without incident and now I'm back to school. It's a little strange to think that I'm facing my last few weeks here at the university, but I'm ready to move on. Where will I go next? It's hard to say - I've started applying for jobs and the prospects look pretty good so far. I caught the last part of last night's Academy Awards. Was I the only one who thought Halle Berry was going to pass out before she even started her acceptance speech? Denzel Washington displayed the type of class you'd expect from somebody who is "following" in Sidney Poitier's footsteps. I've been a fan of his ever since he did such an outstanding job in Spike Lee's " Malcolm X ". Unfortunately, I hadn't seen any of the movies that won the bigger awards, but I did see " Lord of the Rings " several months ago and was glad to not see it fall short in some of the major categories.

Typical Wind Tunnel / Reflector Oven Mountain Weather

I opted for snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park over all my other options. The weather was interesting - when I got there it was still quite early and the wind was gusting at least 40-50 mph. By the time mid-morning came, the wind had died down some but bright sun and white snow can bake you past golden brown in a hurry. Don't worry - I still had fun.

Risk = Probability * Consequence

I haven't gotten too adventurous yet - yesterday afternoon I headed out to Rocky Mountain National Park and drove around in the snow. The clouds were pretty low and it was snowing heavily enough that picture-taking wasn't very good, but I did drive through a herd of about 150 elk, so my trip did have a few highlights. I've been trying to decide what to do with my time today and tomorrow. Option one (the lower-risk option) is to rent some snowshoes and make a few more day trips to RMNP. Option two (the higher-risk option) is to attempt to climb Mt. Evans. Evans is supposed to be a "novice" winter fourteener, which is good because I'm certainly a novice at winter climbing. I have all the gear, I know what the altitude looks like, and for Evans, I've even seen the route. But I'm just not convinced that it's something I should do. If I needed to cast any more doubt on the situation, check out the latest avalanche warnings from the Colorado Av

Ft. Collins

Nothing like a little jaunt across the Great Plains to start a spring break...but now I'm in Colorado and within sight of snowy mountains, so all is right with the world. Nebraska is still Nebraska, but crossing the Great American Desert was relatively painless this time around. Tomorrow's events are still up in the air, and I hope to take a few days to "tour" and take an obscene number of pictures. Hey, it's a hobby... Otherwise, I'll save my other comments for a large writeup when I get home. I'm already thinking about what it would take to write a book called "10 Things to Keep Your Mind From Going Numb As You Drive Across Nebraska".


I did considerably better with my predictions today, correctly identifying 13 of the 16 winners. I missed on Hawaii, Florida, and Texas Tech. The Texas Tech loss hurt the worst - I had planned on some Bobby Knight magic to take them to the round of 8. I'm quite happy about the Creighton win - I didn't think they'd do it, but this puts both Kansas and Creighton one win away from playing each other in the round of 16. My hometown would go nuts over a Kansas/Creighton matchup because we have a hometown kid playing for each team - Nick Collison for Kansas and Mike Lindeman for Creighton. Creighton is going to have to beat an awfully tough Illinois team that more than a few people think could make it to the final four, and Kansas is going to have to get over this "funk" that they've been in and play the kind of basketball they played most of the season. In other news, I decided today that I'm going to take a trip for Spring Break (which started today).

For those of you scoring at home...

Today wasn't a bad day of basketball - Missouri played great, Kansas won ugly, and by the time the last games of the day came around I decided I'd seen enough and watched the movie " Donnie Brasco " instead. I correctly picked 11 of the 16 games today, missing on USC, Oklahoma State, Gonzaga, Marquette, and Pepperdine. I think Missouri was the biggest upset that I predicted, so I'm glad that I at least got that one right. I'm not expecting anything too exciting to happen tomorrow - I'm going with the higher seeded team in every game except the Hawaii-Xavier game. Go Rainbows!


I've never been real big on entering NCAA basketball tournament pools. I know some people who do a ton of research and enter dozens of brackets. I entered two brackets a couple years ago and won, so I figure my luck has run out and there is no need to ever enter another. But it's still fun to fill out a bracket and follow along, even if there isn't anything at stake. Here's all you need to know about my NCAA tournament bracket . First, I'm a fan of college basketball, but I don't watch a ton of it. I usually only watch if it involves Kansas, my favorite team. Occasionally I'll watch an Iowa game, but beyond that I don't see much. Second, because I'm a Kansas fan, I'll root for them and many of the teams that I've seen them play. And that's about it - no specific research, RPI ratings, history of past matchups...none of that extra stuff. I guess all I can say is, "Go Jayhawks!"

Road Killing

Ugh. I was on my way home today when, on the highway, I noticed what appeared to be very fresh and undisturbed road kill right in the middle of my lane. I didn't have room to swerve around it because of oncoming traffic, but no problem, I thought - I'll just straddle it. I bet I wasn't more than 30 feet away when the carcas decided to stand on its hind legs and look straight at me. Thump! Too late. I caught one twitch in the rear view mirror and that appeared to be it. I'm not even sure what it was - a woodchuck, badger, muskrat...I'm not too good with critter identification, but I can usually identify if something is dead or alive. Well, I thought I could, anyway... What a way to ruin a perfectly good day.

Being a TV critic is easy because there's so much about which to be critical

If you didn't already know, most of the TV I watch are time-tested sitcoms brought back in reruns - M*A*S*H, Cosby, and Cheers are my current favorites, and I went through a long Roseanne phase there for a while. Otherwise I'll watch the news or sports, and very few new shows. Given that I'm recovering from Monday Night Football withdrawl (I'd even take a Seahawks vs. Bengals game right now) I thought I'd try a few new shows tonight. There seems to be a theme with some of the new programming. First, ABC's " The Wayne Brady Show " and second, NBC's " The Colin Quinn Show ". Yes, Wayne Brady is talented. Does that mean he should have his own half hour of sketch comedy? I'll let you decide for yourself, but don't be surprised if I've already forgotten who Wayne Brady is by next Monday night. As for Colin Quinn, well, I think I hold him in a little higher regard because although he's never really been great, he sure ha

Viewer discretion is advised...

For not having HBO or Cinemax or any of those premium cable channels, I sure seemed to hear a lot of foul language on TV today. You have to listen closely, but there's the occasional expletive to be heard during a college basketball game. I always wondered if the networks cringe or smile when they know that the people at home just heard something that would normally be bleeped out. Then ESPN premiered "A Season on the Brink", the story of Bobby Knight and the Indiana Hoosiers during the 1985-1986 season. Interestingly, ESPN went no-holds-barred on the language on their main network, but offered a simultaneous edited version of the movie on ESPN2. I thought the movie was pretty interesting, but during a commercial my attention was solidly grabbed by the CBS special "9|11". It was by far the best documentary I've seen about last September's attacks, and if you missed it, then hope for a DVD release or at least yearly replays. The documentary was a p

Is I-80 your Mason-Dixon line?

I was just discussing with a friend of mine the differences between northern and southern Iowa. I've seen a good share of this state and met people from all over, and I don't think my perceptions are totally my imagination. You can make your own opinions (I encourage it - it can be fun, especially if you know a southern Iowan who deserves a good teasing) but my friend asked me to summarize southern Iowans in one word. In a self-admitted burst of creativity and clear thought, I came up with this: Northern Iowans = granola Southern Iowans = gravy I don't know if there's much I can add to that. The whole thing makes me want to go to Davis county for some reason, though... (For a very temporary stay, I'm sure. I'm not changing my spring break plans.)

If it wasn't old news before, it has to be now...

That's funny - I went to all that trouble to talk about the Grammys and to bring up George Carlin and I didn't even talk about the fact that I caught his show in Davenport a couple weeks ago. Maybe I was just too steamed about the whole Nelly Furtado thing. Seeing Carlin live was a bit of a pilgrimage for me - I've been listening to him since middle school and I have about everything he ever recorded. Sure, he's crude, but he's highly observant and willing to point out things most people would like to ignore. (If you've heard his "First Enema" bit, you realize how bizarre some of these things can get.) Anyway, even though it was a late night and the theater seats were very uncomfortable, it was definitely worth it to see him in person. He's getting up there in age - 70 or 71, I think, and despite his current amount of energy it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't go on too many tours after this one. Now that I've seen the master,

Late content is better than no content, right?

What exactly is "old news"? For something to be "old news", does the news just have to be old? What if what happened, the subject of the news, is something that happened some time ago, but there was no way to know about it until now? Is it still "old news"? Was it even news until you heard about it? Case in point... About a week ago the Grammy Awards were held and two Grammys were won for albums I own - Best Spoken Comedy Album for George Carlin's audiobook of " Napalm and Silly Putty " and Best Album Notes for Richard Pryor's " Richard Pryor...And It's Deep Too! The Complete Warner Bros. Recordings (1968-1992) ". Notice that neither of these really have anything to do with music. There's a bit of an analogy to be made between the music I listen to and the baseball teams I support. Even though I like the Cubs and watch them whenever I can, I realize that winning championships isn't much of a habit for the

Looking good

After messing around with my Blogger template and my CSS I got this page looking how it should. If you didn't see the previous messed-up version, you didn't miss much. I still have to get the archives figured out, but that can wait until later (maybe later today after some sleep) when I figure out what other things I'd like to link off this page. If you're curious why I'm "suddenly" putting significant effort into this site, it's because I'll be leaving the university in a couple of months and I want this to be all set before I'm gone, especially when I list this site on resumes. Yes, the job hunt continues...

Broken site...

I just uploaded a bunch of content for and I encourage you to go check it out. There's always more to do, but I'm pretty satisfied with it for now. Unfortunately, the transitioning of this section of the site didn't go quite as well, so it will take some time to figure out where things are broken. After that's done then I can catch up on making updates to this part of the site in terms of actual content. See ya then...

Skin cancer for your health?

Ever get that feeling that you just read something really, well, so naive it's disturbing? There's an article (full text found here ) in today's Northern Iowan (our campus newspaper) by Katie Hammitt, NI Features Writer, that talks about the health benefits of using tanning beds. That's right, the benefits . Did somebody skip too many biology classes? The article claims that tanning is a "healthy activity", saying that tanning strengthens the immune system and even fights cancer. You've got to be kidding me. A freshman female was quoted as saying "I know it can be bad for your skin, but you only live once. I figure by the time I get skin cancer, if I would, they'll have a cure, so I don't have to worry about that." You only live once? You only die once, too, and there are many opportunities for painful and expensive surgeries and other cancer-removing treatments. This article is part of a series dealing with "health and ha

Where there's a helpful smile...

If you're an observer with attention to strange details you can make a trip to your local grocery store or large discount shopping chain an entertaining experience. I went to our local Hy-Vee food store (the famous one where St. Louis Rams' MVP quarterback Kurt Warner used to work) and, among other things, noticed that when you check out the first item shown purchased on your receipt is the name of your cashier, and the price is $.00. I wonder if Christie K. knows I bought her for nothing?

Blogger Pro

Okay, I know isn't taking shape as quickly as I would have hoped, but that is the way web development generally goes. If you remember when I first put up this section, you'll recall I was using a service called "Blogger". I've been pretty pleased with it, pleased enough that I just signed up for their "Pro" service. It won't make what I post here any more interesting, but things are a little nicer from my end. Check out what they have to offer at .
I've been really quiet lately. I should have made a post about that guy in Colorado who got strangled by his pet python. That meets my definition of noteworthy news. Anyway, I've been working on some web stuff, doing some programming, making some thesis progress, and doing some job hunting. I can't say that I've made any truly significant progress in any of those areas, but I've gained in each one. I guess that's just how it goes sometimes...
There's a great article at the Minneapolis - St. Paul Star Tribune about University of Minnesota wrestling coach J Robinson. I've had a few brief encounters with J Robinson, and I've heard many more stories, and I think the article gives a good description about the general feelings towards this very successful but contraversial man. I don't know what it feels like to have J Robinson on your side, but as an opponent he makes you uneasy because you have no reason to question his desire to beat you. And I'm sure that's exactly what he wants you to feel. is running a story about Super Bowl commercials. Included are clips of noteworthy past commercials, including the famous "Macintosh" ad that Apple ran in 1984. Is it just me, or is that commercial still one of the coolest commercials you've ever seen? They could play it this Sunday and I'd still want to buy a Mac. I'm not saying I would, but I'd want to...
The Denver Post has a great update about the Baca Ranch purhcase and how it will allow for the creation of a Great Sand Dunes National Park. If you can't tell, I'm really excited about this. It's a good thing.
Here's some really great news - Colorado's Great Sand Dunes National Monument has moved a big step closer to expading and becoming a national park. The Denver Post reports that the Nature Conservancy, with some help from Yale University, has agreed to buy the 97,000-acre ranch adjacent to the dunes. I visited the Great Sand Dunes last summer and I'm very glad to see the plans to go from monument to park take action. I get a lot of mail asking me to donate money to various environmental and wilderness causes, but knowing this is the kind of thing the Nature Conservancy does will probably help me with any future money-giving decisions. Until then, I'm just a poor college student who had fun one day playing in the sand. :)
I just read at that one of my all-time favorite football players, Dick "Night Train" Lane, has died. I only knew of him from little bits of film, but he's the kind of player you don't forget, especially if he was allowed to tackle you. His trademark clothesline tackle (the "Night Train Necktie") was so violent that it was outlawed by the league. Not many people have earned that kind of distinction.
Maybe there is justice in this world - the Internet Movie Database is again showing "The Godfather" ranked as the #1 user-rated movie of all time, ahead of "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". LOTR was good, but not that good. Check out all of the top 250 movies .
While I was watching a bit of the football game on Sunday and I wondered if Pat Summerall is somehow jealous or bitter towards John Madden because of Madden's relative success in hardware store advertisements. If you don't remember, Summerall advertised for True Value and Madden for Ace Hardware, but it's been a long time since I've seen a True Value ad or commercial. Ace features Madden on their website but True Value makes no mention of Summerall. In fact, there are only a few pages on the web that mention the Summerall-True Value connection. ( Here's a little proof of existence if you need it .) I'm sure Summerall can conceed to Madden's success in the video game arena , but as hardware guys they should have been equal. In fact, if you were involved in a building project of your own, who would you rather have running around with sharp tools? Give me Summerall anyday - Madden would be a couple lost fingers waiting to happen. So why is this now s
Another "must see to believe" story . James Earl Jones? James Earl Ray? I can tell the difference - can you?
While we're on the conspiracy theory theme, check out "Who Killed Clinton's Dog? What did Buddy know, and when did he know it?" by Mickey Kaus. I only gave it a quick read, but it looked like good stuff. Maybe even Al Franken quality. (Or maybe not...that's a pretty high honor in my book.)
If you're into asking "What if?" types of questions, President Bush's choking incident yesterday should give you a lot to think about. Okay, let's jump straight to the worst-case scenario: What if Bush had died? Given the state of the world, I'd like to see what the conspiracy theorists would have come up with. This could have made the JFK assassination theories look like a back-page obituary. We probably would have heard ideas about the "Al Qaeda Pretzel" and "The deadly pretzel sent from Allah", along with ideas of poisoning, bioterrorism, secret death-rays, The Force, the One Ring, yada yada yada... With this in mind, let's just all be thankful that our president is okay. If you want to worry about something, worry about the state of American journalism. (Fox News anyone? The game show of news outlets...)
I just made a little update to . I've been working on stuff and hopefully I'll have a working site in place soon.
Because I'm currently on winter break I've had more time to watch TV. I mostly watch reruns of old shows, usually M*A*S*H, Law & Order, Roseanne, and The Cosby Show. While the shows are great, I'm getting tired of the commercials. I'm sick and tired of advertisements for stuff that makes your teeth whiter or for electrical pads you stick to your body for purposes of massage or "exercise". At least before Christmas we had some classics, like the Clapper and Chia Pet. I don't know if this is directly related, but I was also bothered by hearing the muzak version of The Cure's "Just Like Heaven" while at the mall. Sacrilege!
Must see to believe: "LePOT" .
YeEeeeEeEee!!! Ren and Stimpy reruns are on VH1! If you aren't familiar with Ren and Stimpy, there isn't any amount of explaining I can do that would make you understand. It's all stupid but genius, and I laugh almost constantly. I was flipping channels tonight and found myself right in the middle of the rubber nipples episode. Happy happy joy joy... My all-time favorite episode has to be the "Robin Hoek" when they re-do Robin Hood. I think I even have that one on tape somewhere...
I couldn't help but notice this story about "Buddy Clinton" at the Washington Post . Dog hit by car...what can you say?